I wonder how the driver of this immensely long truck managed to navigate such a tight corner. Probably thanks to excellent driving skills, a good command of the vehicle, strong nerves, and a passion for driving.
Isn't that the skills package that we also need to cultivate in organisations at micro-cultural level?
I work with students and practitioners - we experiment with AI, storytelling and cultural aspects of collaboration -, and what I see is a bigger-than-ever need to develop basic literacy skills, such as the ability to articulate one's thoughts; cross-connected thinking; meaning-making; ethic skills; initiating action and co-creating better solutions at micro-cultural level.
Also last week's Learning and Ideas Conference Winter Event on Artificial Intelligence and Learning has made clear that AI challenges us to deeply understand what it means to be human in a data-driven world. In my opinion, mastering human skills should be on top of the list of the so called curriculum for the future.
#AI #activism #movement #culture #micro-culture #poetryinbusiness #talkshop2cg #2cg #didactic #futureskills #hypercurriculum #lab21 #data #beinghuman #tightcorner #2cgpoetrymachine