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Lead well, live well

Enjoy spa-like moments for the mind with us - and integrate self-care into your daily routine.

Leaders, employees, freelancers, retired people - we all face complex challenges and need to slow down. Our Poetry & Qigong session designs address participants' emotional, mental and physical wellness. We create spa-like moments for the mind while connecting with the self and with others. Language and soft qigong movements serve us as a "tool"; and especially our long years of coaching experience and of working with people across hierarchies and cultures help us create beautiful and fulfilling learning moments. We design and facilitate inhouse trainings in Vienna, across Austria and elsewhere. Our languages are English and German.

Next public events: 4 March and 29 April, 14.00-17.00, in Vienna

For inhouse trainings, please contact:

  • Poetry in Business on Instagram
  • CMerl
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