A couple of years ago a business consultant warned me that MyTalkShop.club was serving a "dying-out species", i.e., sensitive, curious and critical learners. That remark was perfectly blunt and false, I thought.
Do today's learners really demand non-challenging, easy-to-digest learning content rather than feel the desire to explore unusual points of view and innovative ways of thinking? Well, some probably do. However, I am convinced that there is a growing number of smart learners out there who are very ready to deal with challenging issues in a constructive and sensual way. These learners are driven by the wish to explore, co-create, shape and build - new ways of working, new neighbourhoods, new mobility programmes, new production and decision-making processes, new urban lifestyles and so on and so forth. These learners are willing to share their experiences, doubts, feelings and desires. And they are able to connect on a deeper level. All they need is an opportunity to do so.
An opportunity to learn
In yesterday's TalkShop club session, Lovelyn, a talented young poet and member of our group of English learners, recited "Medusa", a poem she wrote a while ago when the group was dealing with the topic of "destinations".
We went through the paragraphs together and shared our thoughts, points of views and personal insights. There are many lessons to learn from the myth of Medusa that still apply to life today. Our session was all about asking questions and making connections. The learning experience for both, individual participants and the whole group was rich, beautiful and fulfilling. Lovelyn's poetry
fostered our interpersonal understanding, forced us to find meaning in ambiguity, and simply opened up new windows to the world for us.
If you ask me, this passionate form of "deep learning" is not made for a dying-out species, it is what modern, open-minded learners long for. On an organisational level, all we need to do is open up to this new form of learning, tap the potential of learners, build on their motivation and know-how and give it leverage in all kinds of innovation processes.